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Picking out a top-quality cigar to gift that special someone this holiday season can be a tall task, so we have come up with a comprehensive list of Gifts Under $75 so you can get the perfect gift! We have curated a collection of some of the best cigars on the market from famous brands like Rocky Patel, Avo, and Montecristo. If you want to get that cigar lover in your life something you know they will love, a 5-pack of Montecristo White Series Toro cigars are certain to have them elated. Blended with a mix of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers draped in a silky-smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, these 6x54 treats deliver a balanced and smooth medium-bodied smoke fit for a true connoisseur. Check out all the options for Gifts Under $75 and place your online order with JR Cigar today!
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