Sancho Panza Cigars are a reimagined Cuban heritage brand that dates back to 1852. Today this reborn Cuban classic is crafted in Honduras in three tantalizing blends. The original Sancho Panza features premium Dominican, Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, all expertly bunched inside a beautiful golden-brown Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. A medium bodied profile, and smooth flavors of leather, earth, coffee, cedar, and spice, makes it a cigar that smokers of all experience levels can easily enjoy. The second installment, called Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte was made for experienced smokers that demand bold full-bodied flavors. These perfectly square-pressed Honduran puros fit the bill perfectly with rich heady notes of earth, pepper, espresso, and wood. Finally, to bring a maduro offering to the brand profile, the company created the Sancho Panza Double Maduro cigars. Packed with aged fillers from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua, the cigars are bound with a sturdy Connecticut Shade leaf, and covered by a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. Medium to full bodied, and brimming with lush layers of licorice, earth, black coffee, and spice, you get a double dose of luscious dark tobacco flavors with every puff. With an affordable price, pristine construction, and a wide variety of complex flavors, Sancho Panza has remained one of our oldest and most trusted brands.