Sancho Panza
Toro 6.50 × 52 SPOT
Sancho Panza Toro cigars are a reimagined fusion of fabulous flavor and strength from a famous old Cuban brand that dates back to the late 1800s. To recapture the essence and glory of its storied Cuban roots, each Sancho Panza Toro cigar is expertly handcrafted in Honduras using aged Brazilian, Nicaraguan, and Dominican fillers, covered by a Mexican San Andres binder, and a beautiful Connecticut seed Honduran wrapper. Boasting a medium bodied profile and rich flavors of leather, earth, coffee, cedar, and spice, Sancho Panza Toro is a highly flavor “Cubanesque” blend, that’s smooth enough for every type of palate. Order a box of 20 from JR Cigar, and enjoy a delicious smoke that can be enjoyed all day long without putting a dent in your wallet.
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Honduras Connecticut
Mexican San Andres
Brazil / Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
Box of 20
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