Dating back to 1875 Cuba, Romeo y Julieta is one of the most recognizable names in the cigar industry. Coming from its factory in the Dominican Republic, the Romeo y Julieta brand consists of some of the finest and most popular cigar lines in the world today. Catering to every aficionado from the novice to the most experienced, Romeo y Julieta is a brand that always satisfies.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Reserve Maduro cigars are hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic to provide a more robust alternative to the classic Romeo y Julieta 1875 line.
The Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduro features a dark, rich-tasting Connecticut broadleaf wrapper, a tasty Nicaraguan binder, and a hearty blend of Nicaraguan, Peruvian, and Dominican long fillers. This combination offers a full-bodied, complex smoke with a sweet aroma and compelling flavor, and should definitely be on every cigar enthusiast's must-try list.