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Rating is 4.12 of 5 4.12 160 Reviews

When you smoke a Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Serie hand-rolled Nicaraguan cigar, you’ll immediately understand why this premium brand is savored by aficionados of all ages. This mellow-to-medium-bodied masterpiece consists of a Nicaraguan binder and a top-quality Nicaraguan filler blend that captivates the taste buds with spice, almonds, cedar, and cocoa.

This unique premium handmade cigar features an iconic medley of two different outer leaves: an Ecuador shade-grown wrapper expertly applied from the foot to the band, and a darker-hued Nicaraguan Criollo from the band to the head. truly one-of-a-kind, the Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Serie cigar will provide a long lasting smoke that provides a wonderfully creamy flavor with spicy notes of pepper that make a satisfying end to a long, relaxing evening.
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