A Cuba-inspired creation by one of the more recent additions to Drew Estate’s team of cigar crafters, Herrera Esteli has, after lots of trials, tweaks, and trips to the tobacco stash, earned all sorts of accolades from cigar publications and fans of sweet-and-savory smokes. Lots of zesty flavor is both contrasted and complemented by a super-smooth body, making the Herrera Esteli cigars a great selection for all kinds of cigar guys.
Piramide Fino rated 94 by Cigar Aficionado in 2014, and 93 by Cigar Insider in 2013 Short Corona Gorda rated 91 by Cigar Aficionado and Cigar Insider in 2013 Lonsdale Deluxe rated 90 by Cigar Insider in 2013