Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour cigars pay homage to the one the most famous cigar lovers of all time. The late hours of the evening were the peaceful time when Sir Winston found his inspiration for important decisions, many of which changed the course of history as we know it today, so this was the impetus to create these luxurious Davidoff Late Hour handmade premium cigars. The blend for this two vitola line is composed of a silky-smooth Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that encases dual binder leaves from Ecuador and Mexico, along with a core of perfectly aged Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos that have been aged in malt whiskey casks. Rich, buttery smooth flavors of black pepper, cinnamon, spice. espresso, and oak, provide a medium-to-full bodied smoke that received a well deserved 90-rating from Cigar Aficionado. Available in boxes of 20, packs of 4, or sold as singles, Davidoff The Late Hour cigars are so captivating and delicious that they would have made Winston Churchill very proud. Order yours today from JR Cigar.