A famous name in the world of premium cigars since 1911, Davidoff offers a wide-ranging assortment of blends that redefine the fine art of cigarmaking. With our extensive selection of Davidoff Cigar Assortments, smokers are presented with a large selection of Davidoff samplers with different sizes, strength profiles, and styles, all expertly handmade under the watchful eye of Davidoff’s iconic master blender Hendrik “Henke” Kelner. He’s the creator of the immensely popular AVO brand and oversees all products launched in the company’s massive Dominican factory. Each sampler is creatively packaged to allow premium-cigar smokers to sample and savor the various luxury-class offerings that the legendary Davidoff brand has to offer. Here at JR Cigar, we pride ourselves on carrying a large selection of Davidoff Cigar Assortments all sold for the best prices on the web. Find your favorites on our website and spoil yourself with some of the finest handmade premium cigars on the planet.