Davidoff Cigar Assortments
3-Cigar Tubo TDAVAST3
It can be difficult to decide on the Davidoff cigar that best suits you while buying premium handmade cigars online. With the Davidoff 3-Cigar Tubo sampler, you'll find a practical, palate-pleasing, and priced-right solution.
A trio of tubed premium cigars perfect for taking along, the Davidoff 3-Cigar Tubo sampler is a small but satisfying selection of three styles of Davidoff's top-quality handcrafted cigars. Featuring one cigar from three diverse Davidoff Dominican lines, the Davidoff 3-Cigar Tubo Assortment is one luxurious little lineup that not only makes a great gift for a fellow Davidoff fan (and it's perfectly okay if that fan is yourself!), but also an elegant option for any smoker looking for a sophisticated premium-cigar experience enclosed in an attractive, protective, and travel-friendly aluminum tube.
1 Davidoff Classic Series No. 2
1 Davidoff Mille Series 2000
1 Davidoff Special Series Special "R
Dominican Republic
Pack of 3
Spend $250 and get a ritual set free!