One notch up in strength from the tamest premium handmade smokes available, mellow to medium bodied cigars add just a bit more “oomph” to the overall smoking experience. Top-shelf brands like Avo Classic, Ashton Cabinet, and H. Upmann Original , perform flawlessly as the first cigar in the morning, yet have enough complexity to get you through the rest of your smoking day. A logical next step up in boldness for beginners, mellow... to medium bodied cigars are also the last stop for many smokers of all experience levels that find them to be the perfect balance between flavor and strength.Along with the fantastic cigars listed above, discover brands like The Griffin’s, ACID, Diamond Crown, La Fontana, Bering, and many, many more that are available in our gigantic fully humidified warehouse, and find the right ones that suit your lifestyle, taste, and budget!

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