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As a young adult, Zino Davidoff traveled the world and fell in love with tobacco and the art of fine cigarmaking. He developed a relationship with Cuban cigar makers and eventually became a leading purveyor of Cuban cigars in Europe leading up to and following World War II. Zino also developed the idea of naming brands after famous French vineyards, adding to the luxury appeal of Cuban cigars.
To show its appreciation for all the contributions Zino made to Cuban cigars, the newly formed Cubatabaco approached him to create a brand with his name. In 1967, the very first Davidoff Cigars began to be seen on European shelves. Playing a hand in developing the blend, the Cuban Davidoff cigars enjoyed top-shelf status alongside the legendary Cohiba brand for decades.
However, as the 1980s were ending, Zino was becoming less than pleased with the quality of the Cuban cigars bearing his name. He was so displeased that he publicly burned over 100,000 cigars, deeming them subpar and unworthy of his name. In 1991, Zino Davidoff ended his deal with Cuba and linked up with Hendrik Kelner of Tabadom, who still makes Davidoff Cigars to this day.
Encompassing more than a dozen offerings, the Davidoff Cigars portfolio is filled with highly regarded, top-rated blends with a focus on Dominican tobaccos. One of the most popular in the lineup is also named after a famous cigar man, the legendary Winston Churchill. It is crafted with Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, a Mexican binder, and an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper to deliver rich medium-bodied notes of roasted nuts, caramel, sweet cream, and cedar.
A classic crowd-favorite from Davidoff is the Davidoff Millennium Blend Series, check out our Millennium Blend review which presents the signature Davidoff luxury and refinement in a bolder blend. Released to celebrate the turn of the millennium, these treats boast finely aged Dominican long filler and binder tobaccos all dressed in a rare Ecuadorian Hybrid wrapper. This time-honored blend delivers a refined medium-bodied smoke brimming with complex flavors of white pepper, earth, cocoa, roasted nuts, and a creamy finish.
If you are more a fan of boldly rich Nicaraguan tobaccos, the Davidoff Nicaragua Series presents the signature Davidoff luxury and refinement in a bolder blend. Made entirely with the finest tobaccos Nicaragua has to offer, your palate will be greeted by a complex medium-full bodied mosaic of rich spices, earth, leather, coffee, and hints of creamy floral tones.
Whichever offering from Davidoff Cigars you are thinking of trying, you can trust that you are in for an unforgettable and high-end smoking experience. Treat your humidor to some Davidoff Cigars today by placing your order with JR Cigar.