Carefully chosen to spread holiday cheer and joy, JR Cigar’s gifts under $100 offers cigars shoppers the perfect gift for the cigar aficionado in your life. Find the perfect cigar gifts such as samplers, kits and more under $100 Whether you’re looking for the perfect smoke or cigar pairing. Here you will find an assortment of the world’s best-selling cigars boxes and samplers that walk smokers through a delectable and diverse flavor journey that even your most picky and hard to shop for smoker. Take advantage of finding luxe smokes like Crux and JR Pure Origin Terra de Andes boxes offering decadent flavor profiles that won’t burn a hole in your wallet. There’s no need to break the bank this holiday season! Just think of any cigar brand the novice or enthusiast may love and trust you’ll find it here. Some perfect examples are Davidoff, Boneshaker and Romeo 1875. They all special occasion smokes that are perfect to be shared and enjoyed during the holiday season and provide an experience worthy of your money that your loved one will enjoy. Show your gratitude for the favorite cigar enthusiast or cigar novice in your life with an affordable gift from JR. Happy gifting!
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