Unbanded Nicaragua
Churchill 7 × 48 CFNBHCH
Unbanded Nicaragua Churchill cigars are produced by a famous Nicaraguan cigar manufacturer who we are not at liberty to disclose. If we were allowed to tell you made them, you’d most likely be willing to pay double or maybe even triple the price! Make no mistake, these are not flawed factory seconds, but rather first rate bundled premium cigars that for one reason or another never quite made it to a regular production line.The only thing we can tell you about this mystery stick is that its meticulously handcrafted in a popular (7x 48 ) Churchill format using a beautiful oily and dark Habano wrapper surrounding an undisclosed blend of binder and long filler tobacco. The cigar is medium bodied and laced with luscious notes of earth, leather, coffee, and spice, all backed by a long-lasting creamy smooth finish. Buy 20-count bundles of these Unbanded Nicaragua Churchill cigars online from JR Cigar to enjoy a delicious smoke that’s big on flavor, yet easy on the wallet.
Manufacturer’s Secret
Manufacturer’s Secret
Bundle of 20