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Top 5 Cigars from the Fuente Factory SMSMP258
For many decades, the iconic Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic has been producing some of the most sought-after premium cigars ever created. The Top 5 Cigars from the Fuente Factory is a JR exclusive sampler that features what we feel are the cigars that best capture the pride, care, and exceptional craftsmanship, that has made them all beloved by discerning smokers throughout the world. In quantities of 1-cigar each, you get the Montesino Gran Corona Maduro, a modern day classic with rich, mellow-to-medium bodied flavors of chocolate, leather, earth, and sweet espresso. This time honored maduro is joined by the rare, hard to find Don Carlos Robusto, and Arturo Fuente Sun Grown Queen "B", along with the luxury class Ashton Estate Sungrown 22 Year Salute, and Diamond Crown Robusto No. 4 cigars. Order yours today and taste for yourself why there is so much buzz surrounding every cigar that comes out of the famed Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic. We think that after you sample your way through these five savory cigars, they will all find a permanent home in your humidor.
Top 5 Cigars from the Fuente Factory Includes:
1- Montesino Gran Corona Maduro (6.75 × 48)
1- Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Robusto (5.25 × 50)
1- Arturo Fuente Sun Grown Queen "B" (5.50 × 52)
1- Ashton Estate Sungrown 22 Year Salute (6 × 52)
1- Diamond Crown Robusto No. 4 (5.50 × 54)
Pack of 5