Romeo y Julieta Devocion
Robusto 5.50 × 48 JUDER5
Now available in 5-packs, Romeo y Julieta Devocion Robusto cigars were released in 2020 and quickly became one of the hottest new premium cigars of the year. The cigars were created to symbolize the care and devotion that has made Romeo y Julieta one of the most recognized and beloved Cuban heritage brands in the world. Devocion is a collaboration between Rafael Nodal, the Head of Product Capability for Altadis U.S.A., and the company’s famed Grupo de Maestros. This is a team of the most highly skilled Cuban-born blenders and rollers that are given the task of creating the company’s most complex blends. The Devocion Belicoso is hand rolled in a popular 5.50 × 48 size using only the finest selection of fully aged tobaccos available from the famed Flor de Copan factory in Honduras. This includes Dominican pilotico and Honduran filler leaves crowned with a beefy American binder and a sleek, seamless Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. The end result is a medium bodied smoke that boasts top notch construction, great burn, and rich complex flavors of black pepper, leather, coffee, hints of cinnamon, and just the perfect touch of sweetness. Order a 5-pack from JR Cigar today, and enjoy some savory smokes that shows off the unrivaled cigarmaking skills of Rafael Nodal and the legendary Grupo de Maestros.
Ecuador Habano
United States
Dominican Republic / Honduras
Pack of 5