Cigar Samplers
5-Count Camacho Gift Set CAM5CDPP
Made by Davidoff, Camacho has been producing high quality premium cigars since 1962. The Camacho 5-Count Cigar Sampler With Cigar Caddy and Cigar Lighter has everything you need to enjoy these highly popular Honduran cigars. Starting with the smokes: you get 1- cigar each of the Camacho Connecticut Toro, Camacho Criollo Toro, Camacho Corojo Toro, Camacho Ecuador Toro, and the Camacho Triple Maduro. Ranging from creamy smooth, to bold and full bodied, each wrapper style produces its own unique delicious flavors that sets Camacho apart from all other Honduran brands on the market. You can light all of these top selling Camacho blends with the included super powerful Camacho Black Jet Torch Lighter, and for smokers on the go, a Camacho Cigar Caddy capable of holding five cigars is also included. Just like all of the best samplers on the web, you’ll only find the Camacho 5-Count Cigar Sampler With Cigar Caddy and Cigar Lighter sold right here at JR Cigar. Order yours today! The Camacho 5-Count Cigar Sampler With Cigar Caddy and Cigar Lighter Includes: 1-Camacho Connecticut Toro ( 6 x50) 1-Camacho Criollo Toro ( 6 x50) 1-Camacho Corojo Toro ( 6 x 50) 1-Camacho Ecuador Toro ( 6 x 50) 1-Camacho Triple Maduro Toro (6 x 50) 1-Camacho Cigar Caddy 1-Camacho Black Jet Torch Lighter
5 Cigars, Cigar Caddy, Lighter