Powstanie Connecticut
Belicoso 5.50 × 54 POWCB
Powstanie Connecticut Belicoso cigar are rolled in a beautiful old-world shape using a beautiful silky smooth Connecticut seed wrapper leaf grown in Ecuador, atop a Broadleaf binder, and aged Nicaraguan fillers. Powstanie Connecticut Belicoso cigars are produced by Mike and Greg Szczepankewicz, and were originally only sold at the retail shop in Daytona, Florida. Each Belicoso is handcrafted in the same factory in Nicaragua that produces the enormously popular RoMa Craft brand. Thanks to world of mouth, the cigars were released as a regular production line due to its delicious, easygoing, mellow-medium bodied flavors of leather, wood, cocoa, nuts, and hints of spice. Order a super affordable box of 21 from JR Cigar today.
Ecuador Connecticut
Mellow - Medium
Box of 21