Oliva Connecticut Reserve
5 PK Double Toro 6 × 60 OLC2T5
Oliva Connecticut Reserve Double Toro cigars bring a smooth and tamer smoke to a famous Nicaraguan brand known for producing fuller flavored, Cuban style blends. This flawlessly handcrafted 6 x 60 Double Toro starts off with Oliva’s signature blend of the choicest estate grown Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. Then, after further extensive aging, each cigar is finished with a silky-smooth Connecticut seed wrapper grown in Ecuador to tone down the strength. Although mellow-to-medium bodied, the cigars rich, complex tasting notes of wood, coffee, leather, and hints of sweet spice, strikes the perfect balance between strength and flavor, making it a great choice for both newcomers and well-seasoned smokers alike. If you are a fan of Connecticut style cigars looking for those delicious Oliva flavors without the added strength, then order a 5-pack of Connecticut Reserve Double Toro’s from JR Cigar today.
Ecuador Connecticut
Mellow - Medium
Pack of 5