Odyssey Maduro
Toro 6 × 50 ODMTO
The Odyssey Maduro Toro is a value priced premium cigar produced by General Cigar in Nicaragua, the famous company behind brands like Macanudo, CAO and La Gloria Cubana. each cigar is rolled with the same attention to detail as their costlier counterparts to provide consistently great flavors from one smoke to the next. These top notch 6 x 50 Toro’s are deftly rolled using a Nicaraguan puro blend of the finest Cuban seed tobaccos. After further aging, each cigar is finished with a dark, oily, and alluring maduro wrapper. This is a medium bodied smoke, offering delicious flavors of chocolate, peppery spice, coffee, and plenty sweetness, that can be enjoyed by all day long without becoming overwhelming. Order a bundle of 20 from JR Cigar and allow Odyssey Maduro Toro to provide you with a very affordable first-class smoke that only looks and tastes expensive.
Bundle of 20
Price has been reduced by 40% for select boxes!