Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante
No. 2 6.50 × 56 MX35D2
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante No. 2 cigars are blended by the Cuban-born cigar masters Rafael Nodal and A.J. Fernandez to celebrate 85 years of the famous Montecristo brand. It is a 6.5x56 torpedo-shaped cigar made to be a more toned-down version of the top-rated 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua. It is crafted with an extensively aged core of Nicaraguan Esteli long fillers bunched inside a vintage Criollo binder from Ometepe and a proprietary and top-quality Nicaraguan Jalapa hybrid wrapper. Once lit, your palate will experience a cascade of rich yet elegantly smooth medium-full bodied smoke with complex notes of cocoa, earth, spice, roasted nuts, oak, and sweet cream. To experience the luxury and refinement of Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante No. 2 cigars, order a box of 10 online from JR today!
Medium - Full
Box of 10