4.8 5
Dark Twist Very good tobacco/ enjoyed the taste and the way its packaged. 4 5 1
Dark Twist Good burn and easy to keep lit. Very good flavor, with no bite. I like this one a lot and have smoked it for several years 5 5 1
Dark Twist Very fine tobacco! 5 5 1
Dark Twist I have been smoking this tobacco for several years now and it is still very good. I wish you kept 1 lb bags in stock. 5 5 1
Dark Twist Fantastic roll cake pipe tobacco. The cut coins are a real pleasure to load and smoke. Room note is also fantastic. The all natural maple sugar in this blend is a major part of it's charm. People mention the cost sometimes but there are plenty of other cheaply made blends on the market as an alternative. Buy this when you want not only quality but the total package of the pipe smoking experience. 5 5 1

Mac Baren

Dark Twist 1MDT

0 Reviews

Dark Twist is one of Mac Baren's oldest and most popular blends. Dark Twist is made in roll cake style using sweet, fully aged Virginias and Dark-Fired Kentucky burley infused with top notes maple sugar. The result is a medium bodied mix of sweetness and nuttiness, with just the perfect touch of spice. Buy a 3.5 oz tin of Mac Baren’s Dark Twist online from JR Cigar and enjoy a decadent pipe smoking experience that can be enjoyed all day long without any tongue bite or harsh bitterness.



3.5 OZ. TIN

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