INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo
No. 62 5 × 62 INCHN62
A follow up to the original INCH line produced by E.P .Carrillo in the Dominican Republic, INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 62 once again highlights larger ring cigars with powerful flavor profiles. . To provide the first INCH blend made in Nicaragua, Carrillo turned to another famous cigarmaking family— the Plasencia’s. This hefty 5 × 62 stick utilizes the Plasencia family’s collection of the best estate grown Nicaraguan tobacco used for the binder and long fillers , covered by a beautiful chocolate brown Cuban seed wrapper. Expect a medium-to-full bodied smoke laced with complex notes of pepper, earth, spice, and dark roast coffee, followed by a creamy caramel sweetness on the finish. If you’ve been on the hunt for one of the finest Nicaraguan puros on the market, then add a box of INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 62’s to your next online order from JR Cigar.
Medium - Full
Box of 24