INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo
No. 60 5.88 × 60 INCHN60
INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 60 cigars are the follow up the groundbreaking INCH Series created by E.P Carrillo in the Dominican Republic to highlight larger ring cigars with powerful flavor profiles. To provide the first INCH blend made in Nicaragua, Carrillo turned to another famous cigarmaking family— the Plasencia’s. This (5.88x 60) No. 60 utilizes the Plasencia family’s collection of the best estate grown Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobacco, covered by a beautiful chocolate brown Cuban seed wrapper. This is a medium-to-full bodied cigar that provides the connoisseur with highly complex, well balanced flavors pepper, earth, spice, and dark roast coffee, backed by a creamy caramel sweetness on the finish. INCH Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 60 is available here at JR Cigar in classy 24-count boxes, ready to greatly impress any Nicaraguan puro cigar fan that buys them.
Medium - Full
Box of 24