Habanitos by Don Lino
Fuerte Churchill 7 × 50 HABFCH
If you are on the hunt for a big, bold, and highly flavorful premium cigar that won’t put a dent your wallet, then you found it right here with the Habanitos by Don Lino Fuerte Churchill cigars. These value priced premiums are produced in the Dominican Republic by the famed Miami Cigar Company using a bold medium-to-full bodied combination of the finest fully aged Nicaraguan binder and long fillers, covered by an oily, coal black Nicaraguan Oscuro wrapper. The Spanish translation for strong, Fuerte Churchill truly lives up to its name with a tapestry of rich dark tobacco flavors that includes black pepper, chocolate, oak, and espresso. Be sure to grab an affordable bundle of 20 from JR Cigar today, and let us fill your humidor with a cigar that’s destined to become your new favorite daily smoker.
Nicaragua Oscuro
Dominican Republic
Medium - Full
Bundle of 20