Davidoff Signature Series
Primeros 4.12 × 34 DACP6
This set containing 6 cigars features the Davidoff Signature Series Primeros, a 4.12 x 34 luxury handmade cigar in Petit Panetela size expertly crafted to consistently deliver the notes and nuances from this cigar's top-quality earthy, aromatic, and creamy Dominican tobacco blend. The Davidoff Signature Series Primeros cigar is finished with a smooth and lush Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf before being left to further age to showcase its subtle vanilla flavor gently accented with cedar spice.
When buying cigars online to keep at home, take along, or share with fellow Davidoff cigar fans, the Davidoff Signature Series Primeros 6-Pack tins are a popular choice for smokers looking for a refined and relaxing way to wind down with a sophisticated cigar from a highly regarded luxury cigar brand.
Ecuador Connecticut
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Tin of 6