Crowned Heads La Vereda
No. 56 6.25 × 56 CHLV56
Crowned Heads La Vereda No. 56 cigars are the newest addition to a brand committed to producing premium cigars of artisanal quality. A year in the making, these top shelf 6.25 × 56 cigars are a collaboration between brand president Jon Huber and legendary master blender E.P. Carrillo. Together, these two industry giants crafted a blend composed of a Jalapa, Nicaragua-grown wrapper, a Jalapa binder, and fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, aged for a minimum of three years. The finished product provides a truly unforgettable medium bodied experience. Rich flavors of cocoa, dark roast coffee, and wood, makes it a cigar that can easily be enjoyed by both newcomers and well-seasoned smokers alike. Order a box of 20 and discover a decadent smoke that further cements Crown Heads status as one of the most highly acclaimed premium cigar brands on the market today.
Nicaraguan Jalapa
Dominican Republic / Nicaragua
Dominican Republic
Box of 20