Cohiba Riviera
Box-Pressed Robusto 5 × 52 CDRR
The Cohiba Riviera Box-Pressed Robusto is the newest addition the famous Cohiba family of fine luxury cigars . Along with opulent taste, Cohiba Riviera Box Pressed Robusto, along with the rest of the line, represents several firsts for this iconic Cuban heritage brand. The cigar is the first-ever box-pressed offering by Cohiba, It’s also the first time that Cohiba has used a San Andrés wrapper and Nicaraguan Condega long filler tobacco for any blend. The rest of the recipe includes additional Honduran long filler tobacco from the country’s fertile Jamastran Valley region and a tasty Connecticut- seed Honduran binder. Light this medium bodied 5 x 52 Robusto and expect to enjoy a smooth, complex cigar, offering lush notes of white pepper, leather, earth, and coffee bean, backed by a rich tobacco sweetness that gently lingers on the palate. Order a box of 10 online from JR Cigar today, and start enjoying this box pressed Nicaraguan masterpiece from Cohiba.
San Andrés Mexican
Honduras / Nicaragua
Dominican Republic
Box of 20
This week only, the JR price has been significantly reduced!