Cohiba Nicaragua
Robusto Crystal 5 × 52 CDN5525
Cohiba, the undisputed king of all top cigar brands made in the Dominican Republic, has now dispatched their squad of master cigar blenders to the fertile soils of Nicaragua to unveil the much-anticipated Cohiba Nicaragua.
This creation boasts a bolder profile than many of the other Cohiba blends by using an elegant Sun Grown Colorado Oscuro wrapper and Nicaraguan long-fillers from Jalapa and Esteli.
Upon lighting, your taste buds will be cascaded with bold notes of aromatic cedar, leather, and a delightful hint of sweetness that will have you mumbling the “yummy” word under your breath. In addition, the Cohiba Nicaragua embraces all of its complex flavors right down to your thumbnail. Cigar sales for this top brand will be booming, so what are you waiting for?
Colorado Oscuro