Avo XO
Legato Tubo 6 × 54 AVOXLT
Avo XO Legato Tubo cigars were created by the world-famous musician, composer, and cigar impresario Avo Uvezian, along with the master blenders from Davidoff. This special blend of the choicest Dominican filler and binder aged for a minimum of 6 years, is paired with a succulent Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper leaf. Smooth, slow burning, and highly complex, this medium bodied masterpiece issues rich flavors of earth, leather, and toasted bread, backed by hints of cedar and sweet fruit. With each cigar individually tubed and placed in elegant 20-count boxes, Legato Tubo looks as great as it tastes. Order yours from JR Cigar today.
Ecuador Connecticut
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
Box of 20
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