A60 6 × 60 OZA60
Aramas A60 cigars are produced by the Ozgener family using aged Dominican, Nicaragua, and USA fillers finished a n Ecuadorian Sumatra binder and dark, San Andes Mexican Maduro wrapper. These stunning, well-crafted premiums were crafted by brand owner Tim Ozgener as a tribute to his father, legendary cigarmaker Cano Ozgener, founder of CAO cigars. Each Aramas A60 is rolled at Ernesto Carrillo’s famed Tabacalera Alianza factory in the Dominican Republic. Expect a well-balanced, full-bodied smoke, offering abundantly rich flavors of earth, leather, chocolate, black pepper, and espresso. Order a box of 20 from JR Cigar today and discover a savory smoke by one of the hottest boutiques cigarmaking families in the industry today.
San Andrés Mexican
Ecuador Sumatra
Dominican Republic / Nicaragua / USA
Dominican Republic
Box of 20