Combine the brevity of a top-notch machine-made smoke and the rich flavors of pipe tobacco into a single smoking experience with Blackstone Tipped cigars. These tasty little morsels are made by Swisher International, a famous name in both the world of machine-made cigars and premium cigars. Inside the wrapper is a blend of some of the best pipe tobaccos grown right here in the United States. In their petite 4.5x30 size, they are the perfect smoke to enjoy in those brief moments where time is fleeting. Offered as four deliciously good flavors, Vanilla, Peach, Wine, and the incredibly popular Cherry, each cigar is fixed with a plastic pipe tip to further drive home that pipe smoking feel. Whether it is a short break from work, out doing errands, or just want a little something sweet, Blackstone Tipped cigars have got you covered. Packaged as 20 packs of 5 or as 10 packs of 10 and with no need for a humidor to keep them fresh, order your affordable Blackstone Tipped cigars online from JR Cigar today.