What's Popular in Machine Made Cigars
Filtered Cigars are a popular choice for smokers on the go that want rich cigar tobacco taste delivered with the smoothness and refinement that a filter tip provides. The tobaccos used in these little cigars can be aged or fermented to provide traditional non-aromatic, or lightly sweetened flavor infused varieties, all boasting a smooth mellow bodied profile that can be enjoyed all day long.
Filtered Cigars are traditionally sold in affordable 10 pack cartons with 20 cigars in each carton, allowing you to conveniently take them wherever you go. They are also a great choice for yardwork, running, errands, quick lunchtime breaks, or whenever you don’t have the time to sit back and relax with a full sized premium handmade cigars.
At JR Cigar, we pride ourselves in carrying a wide selection of Filtered Cigars on the web. Here, you’ll find affordable filter-tipped smokes from Captain Black, Phillies, Cherokee, King Edward, Santa Fe, Djarum, Dreams, and many more. So, discover your favorite blend or style of Filtered Cigars, then, place an online order from yours truly today!
With their rustic look and delectably good flavors, Backwoods Cigars have become a favorite for adult consumers across the country. First introduced in 1973 and going national in 1981, Backwoods have since taken off and can be found in just about every convenience store, gas station, or tobacconist. Although they are machine-made, Backwoods’ old-school look and feel could fool any aficionado.
What gives Backwoods Cigars their distinctive look is the use of a genuine and whole Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a rarity for machine-made brands that commonly use an HTL wrapper. Broadleaf can often look a little rough around the edges, and combined with the shaggy cheroot-style foot, unfinished cap, and gradual taper give Backwoods the look of classic cigars from the American Wild West.
Although Backwoods Cigars are the perfect choice for outdoorsy enthusiasts and feature an old-school style, they are perfect for any aficionado, especially those who are constantly on the go. The smaller size makes them ideal for squeezing in a quick and flavorful smoke during breaks at work, out running errands, doing yardwork, or any activity that would make enjoying a full-sized premium cigar unfeasible.
Coming in resealable pouches of 3 or 5, Backwoods Cigars are a great option for aficionados on the go. The resealable foil pouch helps to maintain the cigars’ freshness and ensure that when the time is right for a flavorful indulgence, your Backwoods cigar is in top-quality condition.
Special rolling machines are used to give Backwoods Cigars their distinctive tapered shape and shaggy foot, crafting choice Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed fillers draped by a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper into a 4.5x32 size.
Along with their unique look and whole Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, Backwoods Cigars stand out from the rest with an array of flavors to satisfy any palate. If savory and rich is how you like it, the Honey Bourbon and Russian Cream flavors will be an excellent choice. Prefer something sweet? The Honey, Sweet Aromatic, and Honey Berry will satisfy your sweet tooth.
You can also enjoy a touch of richness and boldness with the Black Russian and Dark Stout flavors. Resembling the rich coffee flavor of a Black Russian cocktail and the dark smoothness of a stout beer, these options will fill your day with flavor. If you prefer your smokes to be traditional and old-school and cannot get enough of that rich tobacco taste, then the Original Backwoods are the cigarillos for you.
While Backwoods Cigars are a twinge pricier than some other machine-made brands out there, you simply cannot argue with the quality of the cigars, especially when looking at the wrapper. Few machine-made cigars use a genuine whole tobacco leaf as the wrapper, elevating an otherwise understated category. Despite that, Backwoods Cigars are still exceptionally affordable to fit into any budget.
No matter which Backwoods Cigars flavor you choose, know that you are in for a superior smoking experience at a price that cannot be beat for the quality you get. Available as 8 packs of 5, 10 packs of 3, or in boxes of 24, you can get your favorite flavor of Backwoods Cigars shipped to your door fast and fresh by ordering them online at JR Cigar today.
Tried and true classics, Swisher Sweets is one of the most popular brands on the market with a presence in virtually every tobacco retailer in the country. Since the brand’s introduction in 1958, Swisher Sweets have won over palates with their sweet and smooth taste, flawless machine-made construction, and consistent quality.
Swisher Sweets are the flagship for Swisher, which itself is nearly 100 years older than the Swisher Sweets brand. In 1861, a wagon merchant from Newark, Ohio named David Swisher procured a small cigar business as a debt payment. At the time, the cigars were just another item for the traveling salesman to offer customers as he travelled throughout the Midwest.When cigar rolling machines were introduced, and Swisher was among the first to use the ground-breaking machines to produce cigars. Swisher turned on its first cigar rolling machine in 1924, and by the end of the decade Swisher was on pace to produce over 100 million cigars per year.
Swisher also seemed impervious to the Great Depression of the 1930s. While countless businesses were slashing their workforce, Swisher never stopped bringing people in to assist in its massive operation. To further attract workers, Swisher was also among the first to offer child-care services for its employees, opening up one of the country’s first daycares on the top floor of its Jacksonville building in 1939.
The start of selling machine-made cigars allowed Swisher to cut their prices by nearly half, and the brand became host to some of the world’s most popular cigars in under a year. By the time Swisher Sweets were introduced in 1958, Swisher already had a commanding presence in the machine-made cigar category. Along with its famous King Edward brand, Swisher was making millions of cigars each day for the insatiable masses. Today, Swisher is a behemoth with offerings in every sector of the tobacco business, including handmade premium cigars with its purchase of Drew Estate.
Famous for their classic cigarillo sizes, the top-notch Swisher Sweets cigars are also featured as Blunt, Corona, Perfecto, and Giant vitolas for those of you who prefer a larger ring gauge. The classic Original is still a favorite among adult consumers across the country for its smooth, sweet taste that can be enjoyed for a fraction of the time and price as a full-sized handmade cigar.
The Swisher portfolio has grown significantly over the years to include a variety of mouthwateringly good and luscious flavors like chocolate, cherry, peach, and other exotic flavorings that will appeal to smokers with a sweet tooth. These aromatic offerings provide a top-notch change of pace from the more traditional flavors of handmade premium cigars, making them the perfect treat for quick breaks.
Sold in a wide range of packaging that can fit any aficionado’s needs, such as a box of 60 Swisher Sweets, various sized pre-sealed packs, and cartons, all Swisher Sweets classic offer a highly satisfying mellow bodied smoking experience that is second to none. Swisher Sweets Leaf, Swisher Sweets with tips, Swisher Sweet Mini Flavors, and many more options will be yours to savor and enjoy.
Swisher Sweets are simply a well-made, great tasting, and affordable cigar brand that will never go out of style or let you down. Find your favorite Swisher blend right here at JR Cigar and have them delivered to your door fast, fresh, and sold at the best prices on the web. Place your online order today and enjoy over 160 years of history and experience!
The perfect smoke for any manner of aficionado in search of an affordable yet top-notch smoking experience, Dutch Masters cigars will be an excellent addition to your daily rotation. Perfect for enjoying while busy with yardwork or running around doing errands, Dutch Masters delivers smooth mouthwatering flavors catered to please any palate preference.
The history of Dutch Masters started over a century ago in 1912, first made by GH Johnson Cigar Co. Soon after, GH Johnson merged with several other cigar makers in 1918 to become Consolidated Cigar Corp – which would go on to become the maker of popular premium brands like Montecristo and Romeo y Julieta.
To develop the now famous Dutch Masters brand, GH Johnson sought inspiration from Dutch renaissance artists, known as the “Dutch Masters.” The works of Rembrandt had particularly interested GH Johnson, and the legendary work “The Syndics of the Drapers’ Guild” is portrayed on every Dutch Masters cigar.
Depicting 5 men inspecting a cloth to potentially be used by the guild, it highlights the importance of quality control and a critical eye. Dutch Masters’ focus on quality tobaccos and construction is perfectly captured by this classic work of fine art.
However, it was not until the 1950s that Dutch Masters became the household name it is today. The advent of television proved fruitful for advertisers of all industries, but Dutch Masters saw its popularity soar after working with the legendary late-night talk host and comedian Ernie Kovacs. Kovacs, a cigar fanatic himself, proved to be the perfect partner for promoting Dutch Masters.
For nearly 4 years, each month Kovacs would create an hour-long special sponsored by and advertising for Dutch Masters. Infused with his unique brand of comedy and skits, Kovacs’ commercials for Dutch Masters were incredibly popular. His works with Dutch Masters proved in the early days of television that commercials and advertising could be seamlessly combined with art and comedy.
The next 30 years saw Dutch Masters struggling. With the untimely and tragic death of Kovacs, a ban on tobacco television advertising, and public awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco, Dutch Masters sales stagnated. However, everything changed during the 1990s cigar boom and the explosion in popularity of cigar smoking, and Dutch Masters returned to prominence as a best-selling brand.
Today, Dutch Masters cigars are machine-made by Altadis U.S.A. in Puerto Rico with unrivalled precision and construction. They come in a variety of different sizes and blends, including the classic President size that captured palates over a century ago.
Unlike most machine-made cigar brands, Dutch Masters use genuine whole-leaf wrappers for its cigars, including top-quality wrappers like Connecticut Shade and Candela. Find out more about the history and flavor of the Candela wrapper on our Blending Room. You can enjoy the style of blend that best fits your palate.
Dutch Masters cigars is also a major maker of cigarillos maker of cigarillos, which are thin, miniature cigars that can be smoked in a fraction of the time as a full-sized premium cigar. Find out more about the difference between a cigarillo and a cigar on our Blending Room. Coming in a variety of traditional and flavored blends like Gold Fusion, Ripe Berry, and the classic Palma, there is a Dutch Masters fit for any preference.
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Combine the brevity of a top-notch machine-made smoke and the rich flavors of pipe tobacco into a single smoking experience with Blackstone Tipped cigars. These tasty little morsels are made by Swisher International, a famous name in both the world of machine-made cigars and premium cigars. Inside the wrapper is a blend of some of the best pipe tobaccos grown right here in the United States. In their petite 4.5x30 size, they are the perfect smoke to enjoy in those brief moments where time is fleeting. Offered as four deliciously good flavors, Vanilla, Peach, Wine, and the incredibly popular Cherry, each cigar is fixed with a plastic pipe tip to further drive home that pipe smoking feel. Whether it is a short break from work, out doing errands, or just want a little something sweet, Blackstone Tipped cigars have got you covered. Packaged as 20 packs of 5 or as 10 packs of 10 and with no need for a humidor to keep them fresh, order your affordable Blackstone Tipped cigars online from JR Cigar today.
Phillies Cigars have been a favorite of the thrifty aficionado for over 110 years thanks to their iconic shape and delectably good taste. First produced by the Bayuk Brothers in 1910, Phillies Cigars remain one of the most beloved and consistent brands on the market today.
Brothers Max, Meyer, and Sam Bayuk first started making cigars back in 1896, pooling their resources to start making handmade cigars in a rented Philadelphia attic. The brothers’ first brand, Princess Bonnie, was a success and allowed the Bayuks to expand their cigar-making operations to a second facility in Lancaster, PA. 1910 saw the introduction of Phillies Cigars under the name Philadelphia Hand Made Perfecto, and the cigars were an instant classic with aficionados throughout the country. The public would frequently shorten the Philadelphia Hand Made Perfecto name to simply “Phillies” and the shorthand name soon became the official name of the brand.
Just two short years later, the Bayuk Brothers grew to encompass several cigar making facilities across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York with their headquarters situated in the heart of Philadelphia. Part of Phillies Cigars’ success is due to the cigars being packaged in branded tins of 50, which served as a form of advertising as well as proving useful for aficionados beyond cigars.
1926 saw the Bayuk brothers opening a machine-made cigar factory in Philadelphia, making use of a new technology to drastically increase the production of Phillies Cigars. The price dropped from 10¢ per cigar down to 5¢ thanks to the new machine-made rolling, and sales increased by several orders of magnitude.
At the peak of Phillies Cigars’ popularity, the brand was featured in the famous painting Nighthawks by the American painter Edward Hopper. Portraying a downtown diner late at night with light from the diner pouring out into a dark and empty street, depicted above the diner is an advertisement for Phillies Cigars, reading “Phillies – Only 5¢” under a picture of a cigar.
This iconic portrayal of 1940s Americana showcases the prevalence of Phillies Cigars throughout the years, cementing it as a staple in American culture and a household name amongst cigar enjoyers throughout the country.
Today, Phillies Cigars are still made domestically in the United States, but under the purview of cigar maker Altadis U.S.A., which is also responsible for several famous handmade cigar brands like Montecristo and Romeo y Julieta. Just as it was over 110 years ago, Phillies Cigars are an affordable option for any aficionado without the frills, bells, or whistles of more expensive handmade brands.
Phillies Cigars are offered in a wide range of popular flavors and sizes, including the original Blunt size that made the brand a household name. Each Phillies cigar starts with a blend of Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed short fillers from Honduras and the Dominican Republic. A tobacco sheet called Homogenized Tobacco Leaf completes the blend, offering the brand’s distinctly earthy, sweet taste.
Whether you are a connoisseur on a budget looking for a smooth, tasty cigar, or looking for something to fill your smoke breaks with flavor, Phillies Cigars are the choice for you. Be sure to order your Phillies Cigars online with JR today to get them at some of the best prices on the web!
The famous White Owl cigars were first produced in Dothan, Alabama in 1887. Using a machine manufacturing process, these cigars were produced at a much faster rate than hand-rolled cigars, and were highly uniform in shape quality, and consistency. This new machine making method also drastically cut down the cost and the chance of human error.
Historically, the production of White Owl cigars includes a blend of Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed tobaccos rolled inside a homogenized binder and a genuine all tobacco Indonesian wrapper. By using the best tobacco ingredients, these lower cost cigars offer a great mellow, creamy, and nutty smoking experience.
The new White Owl brand portfolio offers a much more extensive line than the original. Made to appeal to the modern smoker with a sweet tooth, line extensions that are flavor infused with Mango, Strawberry, Grape, Sangria, and Honey, are readily available to soothe your cravings.
When you are looking for the utmost in construction, variety, and flavor from a machine-made cigar, the world-famous White Owl brand has you covered, and so do we, by selling them all for the best prices on the web. Order your White Owls today!
Established in 1882, Garcia y Vega cigars are one of the oldest, and most trusted machine-made cigar brands still in production today. They have garnered their overwhelming popularity by using a signature blend of Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed short filler tobaccos rolled inside a homogenized binder and a genuine top-quality Indonesian wrapper. This timeless recipe provides a smooth and mellow smoke that’s punctuated with a rich earthy aroma. The cigars are available in several different styles, sizes, and packaging, from the pocket friendly 3.88 × 26 Whiffs that are perfect for a quick smoking timeout, to the Presidente that’s rolled in a more substantial 6 × 44 format.
For smokers with a sweet tooth, the Garcia y Vega Game cigars are readily available to soothe your cravings. With this modern line extension, you have a choice of delectable flavor infused blends that include Grape, Pineapple, Mango, Peach, and Green— a fragrant Candela wrapped treat with hints of dried fruit.
Finally, Game Leaf, the latest installment to the portfolio, features a silky Sumatra wrapper and is available in Sweet, Natural, Cognac, and Mango blends, thus giving you four more reasons to love Garcia y Vega cigars!
Hav-A-Tampa Jewels are the world's bestselling wood-tipped machine-made cigars, due to their flawless construction, affordable price, and consistently great flavors from one smoke to the next. This outstanding quality should come as no surprise, because Hav-A-Tampa Jewels are manufactured by Altadis U.S.A. manufacturers of Backwoods, Dutch Masters, Phillies, El Producto, along with many of the most popular handmade premium cigars on the market today. All rolled in a 5 x29 Slim Panatela size, you have a choice between the Hav-A-Tampa Jewels Regular and Hav-A-Tampa Jewels Sweet. Both offer a creamy smooth mellow bodied smoking experience, however smokers that enjoy a little dash of vanilla in the blend may opt for the Hav-A-Tampa Sweets. Either way, you’ll savor a rich, fragrant smoke that leaves a nice clean taste on the tongue thanks to the famous wooden tip.
Established in 1888 in the small town of Pfeffikon, Switzerland, Villiger has been a famous name in the world of machine-made cigars for several generations. Still headquartered in Pfeffikon today, Villiger was founded by Jean Villiger in his home where he first began cigar making. It was around this time that the iconic Villiger Kiel was brought to the market with its iconic mouthpiece.
Among the oldest of the Villiger brands, Villiger Kiel is also one of the most popular. They feature choice Cuban-seed tobacco all dressed in a toothy Sumatra wrapper, providing a smooth mellow-medium bodied smoke brimming with flavor.
Over the years, Villiger Cigars grew and would eventually reach international prominence. Today, along with several premium handmade brands, Villiger is still among the most popular machine-made brands in Europe, and quickly gaining a foothold here in the United States.
For a long and thin European-style smoke, Villiger Braniff is what you are looking for. Crafted in a slim 4.63x21 size and come in your choice of either Mexican or Brazilian maduro wrapper. These slender smokes will provide you with rich medium-bodied flavors that can be enjoyed on brief smoke breaks when time is fleeting.
Rounding out the machine-made offerings from Villiger Cigars is the Villiger Export, a multi-blend line of box-pressed beauties that are sure to please your palate. Crafted in a smaller 4x37 size, Villiger Export features dry-cured Cuban-seed tobaccos at the core wrapped in a top-quality Sumatra, Brazilian, or Brazilian Maduro cover leaf.
Whichever Villiger Cigar brand strikes your fancy, make sure you order them online from JR Cigar to get them at the best prices on the web!
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