A fairly common occurrence in the premium cigar over the years, many of the highly successful cigar manufacturers have released special limited cigars to honor a place, time in history, or an anniversary year. This is the case with Warped Serie Gran Reserva 1988 cigars that commemorates the year that company owner Kyle Gellis was born. Available in just one skillfully rolled 5.25 × 50 Robusto, the cigar features a Nicaraguan puro blend of deeply aged Cuban seed tobaccos covered by a gorgeous, oily, vintage Corojo 99’ wrapper. This artisanal masterpiece offers a full-bodied smoke with rich, smooth flavors of spice, leather, caramel, and a natural tobacco sweetness on the finish, that will have even the most discerning cigar aficionado craving more. Like all Kyle Gellis creations, the handmade premium Warped Serie Gran Reserva 1988 cigar is produced in small batch fashion to assure the utmost in quality, construction, and consistently great taste. Order a box of 25, and let JR Cigar fill your humidor with these magnificent, limited edition beauties from Warped .