Nicaroma is a hot new line of premium cigars created by the famed Villiger Company to meet the increasing demand of smokers in search of rich and flavorful cigars that are affordably priced. Produced in Nicaragua, the cigars are available in three delicious wrapper varietals that encase a core of the finest fully aged Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobaccos. To accommodate a wide variety of smoking styles, each blend is available in three popular big ring sizes: ( 5 x 50) Robusto, (6 x 50) Toro, and a massive (6 x 60) Gordo. All boasting a solid medium bodied profile, Nicorama Connecticut cigars deliver a tapestry of smooth and inviting flavors that includes cedar, coffee, sweet spice, and caramel. The Habano wrapped line has Cuban-style flavors of earth, cinnamon, white pepper, and cream, whereas the Maduro wrapper series provides nuances of chocolate and pepper that melds seamlessly with complex layers of espresso, nuts, and black cherry, from the aged fillers. Villiger is a world-class company that has been pleasing smokers since 1888, so when it comes Nicorama you can always count on a smoke with flawless construction, a great burn, and a nice effortless draw. Order your favorite wrapper style from JR Cigar today, and savor a top-shelf premium cigar that far exceeds its modest price point.