The VegaFina Year of the Rabbit cigars are a limited edition gem that pays tribute to the Chinese zodiac sign, symbolizing new beginnings and good fortune. These cigars feature a Edcuador Habano wrapper with a blend of well-aged Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. Carefully crafted to produce a symphony of flavors, this cigar boasts notes of leather, spice, earth, cinnamon and coffee.
VegaFina, a brand with over 20 years of cigar-making expertise, is renowned for its exploration of different wrappers and blends, consistently delivering unique, full-bodied cigars. The Year of the Rabbit release is another testament to VegaFina's commitment to innovative limited edition offerings, showcasing their dedication to quality and craftsmanship.
Indulge in a truly balanced and complex smoking experience with the VegaFina Year of the Rabbit cigar, a premium creation from one of the cigar industry's most esteemed brands. Enjoy the artistry of VegaFina and embrace the good fortune that the Year of the Rabbit brings.