Tatuaje premium handmade cigars are one of the most sought after brands due to their epic flavor profiles that are steeped in classic Cuban tradition. The Tattoo is yet another boutique line produced by cigarmaker extraordinaire Pete Johnson. Tatuaje Tattoo cigars are tailor-made with an elegant Ecuadorian Habano wrapper filled to the brim with the finest hand-selected fillers from the most fertile growing regions in Nicaragua. This is a solid medium-bodied smoke suited for just about every smoker's taste preferences. After cut and torch, you are immediately greeted with a blast of spice and pepper that quickly allow the more subtle notes of cocoa, sweet cream, and cedar to break through and join the symphony of well-balanced luxurious flavors. With its more affordable price, the Tattoo is a wonderful opportunity to try one of Tatuaje’s finest offerings.
Note: Please be advised that Tatuaje Cigars is currently experiencing a box production shortage. Products may come in bundles.