When Altadis U.S.A. wanted to celebrate the 50th anniversary of JR Cigar, they turned to famous master blender Rafael Nodal for help creating the perfect expression. The result was the Romeo y Julieta Edicion Limitada, which was released in 2021 to rave reviews, benchmarking a half century of service in the cigar industry.
Made in just one 5 x 54 Rothchilde, the cigar features a Mexican Criollo wrapper, broadleaf binder and aged Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers. Medium-bodied in strength, the cigar’s tasting notes include dark roasted coffee, cedar and creamy caramel.
Nodal, who came to America from Cuba on a shrimping boat with 300 other people and clawed his way through early life in the states while studying music and working in finance, was the perfect choice to spearhead a project near and dear to the hearts of JR. Like Nodal, JR got its start through passion and the search for cigars that would dazzle at a fair price. Having come of age, Nodal has produced some of the finest cigars in the industry, such as the wildly successful Aging Room line from Boutique Blends company, two of which received prestigious 90 and above ratings from some of the top reviewers in the business.
His expertise helped create a 50th anniversary smoke that will delight cigar lovers from across the spectrum, inviting both first timers and aficionados to experience a project that was deeply meaningful. Dressed accordingly, the presentation of the cigar is good enough to show on display. Featuring an aluminum tube on each individual cigar, unwrapping one of these beauties is like uncovering a work of art. The JR logo is enclosed inside a massive No. 50, surrounded by gold leaf design. There is an Edicion Limitada band at the foot of the cigar, adding an extra flare of elegance.
The one downside, of course, is that these cigars cannot be produced in perpetuity. There were only 500 boxes made and supplies are extremely limited. While Nodal promised more projects to come with the team at JR, your opportunity to score this particular blend is running out. Shop JRCigars.com today and take home one of these 12-count boxes before it’s too late. Your humidor deserves to celebrate alongside the cigar retailer that continues to change the game year after year.