Romeo y Julieta Devocion Lust Cigars give a nod to the care, love, and devotion that goes into the making of these highly popular premium cigars. A profoundly delicious follow up to the original Devocion line, Lust is an opulent smoke that’s certain to spark yet another love affair with the iconic Romeo y Julieta brand. Produced by Altadis U.S.A., in Honduras, the cigars feature the finest aged binder and long filler tobacco from Honduras, covered by a beautiful Connecticut seed Ecuadorian wrapper. Rife with rich tasting notes of spice, graham cracker, nuts, and chocolate, Romeo y Julieta Devocion Lust is an ode to pleasure made for connoisseurs that enjoy a smooth and highly satisfying medium bodied smoking experience. Made exclusively for JR Cigar, and sold in elegant boxes of 20 and packs of 5, Romeo y Julieta Devocion Lust Cigars are certain to become a staple in your humidor.