Rocky Patel , one of the most heralded cigarmakers in the premium cigar industry, is responsible for some of the most popular brands ever produced. Now, to celebrate his 26 years of enormous success, he has released a special line of Anniversary cigars that brings rich new expressions of flavor to his award winning Vintage series. Made exclusively for JR Cigar, the Rocky Patel Vintage 26th Anniversary cigars consists of 3 popular sized box-pressed vitolas, all meticulously handcrafted at his prestigious Tavicusa cigar factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. The blend starts off with aged Nicaraguan long fillers all bunched inside dual binders that consist of Connecticut Shade and Connecticut Broadleaf tobaccos. Then, after further extensive aging, each cigar is finished with a beautiful Sumatran wrapper grown on the fertile cloud-covered soils of Ecuador. The 26th Anniversary is a rich and balanced medium-bodied cigar, offering savory notes of leather, spice, cedar, and chocolate, before a long sweet and creamy finish. Available only at JR in both boxes of 15 and economical packs of 5, Rocky Patel Vintage 26th Anniversary cigars will allow you to enjoy yet another decadent addition to the star studded Rocky Patel brand portfolio that’s destined to become a top rated modern day classic.