Celebrating an incredible 25 years of outstanding success in the premium cigar industry, Rocky Patel Quarter Century cigars are a demonstration of how the brand reached such lofty heights. The brand’s value for attention to detail and dedication to craftsmanship can be tasted in each luxurious puff.
For Rocky Patel, anniversaries are important occasions that deserve celebration, and this is reflected in the vast Rocky Patel portfolio with several lines paying homage to various anniversaries and birthdays. However, for the company’s 25th anniversary, Rocky held nothing back to make this the best yet.
To highlight 25 years of cigar-making experience, the Quarter Century begins with a long filler blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran leaf that has been aged for 10 years prior to being rolled. Joined by a hearty Honduran binder and a top-shelf San Andres Mexican wrapper, the cigars were then set aside to age again for another two years after being rolled.
These top-quality and extensively aged tobaccos, brought together by 25 years of practice, combine to provide a complex, refined, and exceptionally rich full-bodied smoke that brims with notes of cocoa, earth, pepper, creamy caramel, leather, and tobacco sweetness with every puff. It would be an understatement to say that the Quarter Century is a masterpiece, and these gems are more than deserving of a spot in your humidor.
To get your hands on what Rocky calls “the greatest cigar we’ve ever created,” order a box of Rocky Patel Quarter Century cigars today while doing your online cigar shopping here at JR.