Punch Signature cigars pay homage to the brands storied Cuban heritage while still providing a contemporary smoke for a new generation of premium cigar aficionados. To accomplish this task, the cigars start off with a blend of aged Dominican long fillers bunched inside a sturdy Nicaraguan binder. Then, these gems, such as the Punch Signature Robusto, are finished with a rare, oily Ecuadorian Corojo maduro wrapper that was cultivated exclusively for this blend. Signature is a full-bodied masterpiece that produces undeniably smooth flavors of leather, wood, chocolate, earth, and spice, capped off with a luring sweet tobacco aroma. Best of all, this impeccable old-world craftsmanship and great taste comes with a very reasonable price. Pick up a box of 18 or an economical 5-pack today, and savor a cigar that truly lives up to the famous Punch name!