Nick Perdomo Jr. first started making premium cigars in 1992, and Perdomo 30th Anniversary Sungrown cigars celebrate his 30 years of success with an unforgettable blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos. Since Perdomo’s beginnings in the cigar world just before the 1990s cigar boom, Perdomo has grown into a vertically integrated brand with a portfolio of top-rated blends. Perdomo is also a pioneer of aging tobaccos in barrels, and those barrel-aged tobaccos lie at the core of each 30th Anniversary Sungrown cigar. Surrounding a core of extensively aged Nicaraguan Cuban-seed long filler and binder leaf lies a gorgeous Nicaraguan Sungrown wrapper that has been aged for 15 years in bourbon barrels. Bold and rich, the 30th Anniversary Sungrown delivers a surprisingly smooth profile with notes of sweet spice, oak, nuts, leather, pepper, and hints of sweetness on the finish. With four sizes to choose from and all packaged in ornate boxes of 30, you can enjoy the 30th Anniversary Sungrown in the size that fits your preferences best. You can join in the celebration and enjoy one of the best Perdomo blends yet by ordering Perdomo 30th Anniversary Sungrown cigars online today with JR Cigar.