Nick Perdomo has now been in the premium cigar world for over 30 years, and Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut cigars celebrate the significant milestone with some of the finest Perdomo cigars yet. Nick Perdomo Jr. first started making cigars in 1992, just before the 1990s cigar boom took the market by storm. 30 years later, the 30th Anniversary Connecticut is a “thank you” to the connoisseurs who have enjoyed Perdomo Cigars over the last 3 decades. To deliver a blend that is both richly flavored yet decadently smooth, Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut cigars feature a gorgeous Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that has been aged for 15 years in bourbon barrels. This silky wrapper sits atop an extensively aged blend of Nicaraguan Cuban-seed binder and long filler tobaccos grown on Perdomo’s farms in Esteli and Jalapa. Once lit, your palate will be coated by a smooth mellow-medium bodied smoke that provides rich, flavorful notes of oak, cream, baking spices, roasted nuts, and caramel sweetness. With a quartet of popular box-pressed sizes to choose from, each offered in ornate boxes of 30, you can enjoy the 30th Anniversary Connecticut in the size that best fits your style. Join the celebration and order Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut cigars online from JR today!