Padron Black Cigars is associated with cigars of exceptional quality, unwavering dedication and extraordinary flavors, some of many attributes that have earned the Padron brand a reputable profile for excellence in the cigar industry. From novices to devotees, chances are one may find one of the few universally revered smokes in their humidor, or on the brain because they are planning on purchasing. The heritage cigar company has been making covetable cigars since well before the Cuban Embargo but rarely produces new cigars. So, every so often when Padron releases an exclusive blend, it is not one to miss. Padrón Black cigars, also known as PB97 cigars dates back to 2016 as a specialty blend, both Natural and Maduro cigars for company founder José O. Padrón’s 89th birthday. It was released exclusively to Smoke Inn in South Florida as a one-time exclusive for the TAA (Tobacconists’ Association of America) as well as part of a sampler pack used for Freedom Samplers which are then sold to benefit the Cigar Rights of America (CRA) organization. Since then, an array of Padrón Black Vitolas has been released exclusively for cigar retailers who are members of the TAA and the PCA (Premium Cigar Association). Because the Padrón family tobacco operation is vertically integrated, not only are they are able to grow, age and stockpile their own tobaccos for long periods of time, but they also oversee the rolling of their cigars. Many of the Padron lines are blended from exclusive reserves of premium Nicaraguan tobaccos harvested and that are aged for 10 years or more, an anomaly in the cigar industry. If you were to ask a fellow enthusiast to pick out their favorite Padron, it would be rather difficult as the majority have received rave reviews, top marks and high accolades. However, the Padron Black can be likened to the best aged tobacco and most and delicious medium-full bodied cigar that Padrón has to offer. Rolled into a 6.75x54 Torpedo by the most talented rollers at the Padrón factory, the limited edition blend is available in both a Natural or a Maduro wrapper leaf. The Nicaraguan puro evokes a flavor profile of dark cocoa, earth, and black pepper alongside an overarching malty note enhanced with a touch of molasses and baking spices. Bolder, darker and more intensely sweetened notes find harmony with additional intricate layers for a more dynamic profile in the Maduro wrapper, while the Natural blend distributes a symphony of classic flavors of cocoa powder and spice Padrón is known for. Be sure to check out the other blends like Family Reserve Maduro or Natural line, 1926 Anniversary Maduro blend, and the 1964 Anniversary Natural as well. Each smoke delivers memorable notes of earth and pepper with their Maduro lines being chocolate dominant while the Natural wrapped blends leaning towards vanilla.The chances of you finding a cigar more delectable and refined smoke than the limited-edition Padrón Black Cigars is limited. The quantities available for purchase are even more limited. Shop online for your very own 10 count box available right here at JR Cigars while supplies last. Find out for yourself why Padron is offered universally and is mainstay in humidors around the world!