Onyx Bold Nicaragua cigars are a long awaited follow up to the enormously popular Onyx Reserve blend that boasted an impressive 94 cigar rating from Cigar Aficionado when it was first introduced in 2000. Rafael Nodal, Head of Product Capability for Tabacalera USA, has teamed up with famed master blender AJ Fernandez to create this beautifully constructed three vitola line. The cigars are handmade at the AJ Fernandez factory in Nicaragua with a stunning dark fermented San Andres maduro wrapper that embraces Nicaraguan binder and long fillers that have been aged for more than four years. To add even more visual appeal to the overall presentation , the cigars are packaged in glossy black 20-count boxes with elegant touches of silver and white trim. Just like the Reserve, Onyx Bold Nicaragua cigars are medium to full bodied in strength, but it presents an exciting new flavor profile that includes rich tasting notes of chocolate, black cherry, leather, espresso, and cream. Order the hot new Bold Nicaragua cigars today, and get a head start on what’s destined to become another award-winning blend from Onyx!