Nub Nuance Double Roast cigars are the second strongest blend in this mouthwatering coffee infused lineup from the famous Oliva family in Nicaragua. The cigars feature a medium bodied blend of aged Dominican long fillers surrounded by a thick Dominican binder and a stunning EMS Sumatra wrapper. The cigars are available in a host of classic sizes, including the unique 4 x60 Nub classic, that’s made to hit the “sweet spot” the moment you light up. Rich nutty tobacco flavors, intermingled with coffee bean and hints of chocolate, provide a highly fragrant and compelling smoking experience that pairs wonderfully with your favorite cup-o’ -joe. The cigars are available in packs of 5, 5 tins of 10, or boxes of 20, depending on which Double Roast size that you choose. Order yours today, and savor a cigar that’s billed as the “Ultimate Coffee Experience”!