Odyssey cigars have built a stellar reputation in the last few years by providing every day smokers with top-quality cigars for a very reasonable price point. In fact, pound for pound, we think that these are some of the best value-priced cigars on the market today, and the way they sell like crazy, they sure do back up our bold claim! Odyssey is a brand produced by General Cigar, the legendary company who brought you the world-famous Macanudo, Cohiba, La Gloria Cubana, Hoyo de Monterrey, Punch. Partagas , and many more iconic top-shelf marquees. Expertly handmade in Nicaragua, the Odyssey lineup includes the Habano, Maduro, Connecticut, and now these Odyssey Sweet Tip cigars for those that like a little splash of extra flavor that’s not too sweet or overbearing. Odyssey Sweet Tip cigars come draped in a stunning, oily, and seamless Nicaraguan Habano wrapper over a sturdy Honduran binder, and deeply aged Cuban-seed fillers from Nicaragua and Honduras. Thanks to its sweetened tip, the flavors are rich, creamy, and naturally sweet, and the fragrant vanilla-like aroma will be enticing for both you and those nearby. Along with exceptionally great taste, refinement, and complexity, Odyssey Sweet Tip cigars boast top-notch construction, a slow even burn, and an effortless draw with every savory puff. Featured in five popular vitolas, these affordable cigars are available in both packs 20 or packs or 10, depending on the size that you choose. Be sure to grab your favorite Odyssey Sweet Tip size or sizes, the next time you buy cigars online from JR, and enjoy a sweet and satisfying smoke that’s unlike any other.
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