When two titans of the premium cigar industry collaborate on a blend, you can count on a truly unforgettable smoke, and such is the case with the hot new Fonseca by My Father cigars ™. Expertly blended by celebrated father-and-son cigarmakers Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia ™, and Jaime Garcia ™, in Estelí, Nicaragua, this hot 6-vitola new line provides a fresh new take on the storied Fonseca brand from Cuba. This latest addition to the award-winning My Father™ brand portfolio features premium aged Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos tucked beneath an oily reddish-brown Corojo Rosado wrapper leaf to provide a Nicaraguan puro that’s second to none! Fragrant notes of dark roast coffee , leather, and cinnamon are backed by the Garcia family’s signature nuances of peppery spice that medium to full bodied cigar connoisseurs have come to love. Order a box of 20 from JR Cigar, and savor yet another My Father cigar™ creation that’s destined to become a staple in every well- seasoned smoker’s humidor.