First introduced in 2012, Montecristo New York cigars started out has a regional offering made exclusively for New York State retailers. Then, after a brief stay in the Big Apple, it set off a frenzy among local smokers, so Altadis U.S.A decided it would be in their best interest to release it as a national distribution. Perfectly square-pressed, and available in a 6 x54 Toro and a 6 x 60 Connoisseur Collection, both vitolas feature a gorgeous, dark, oily Habano wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and fully aged Dominican long fillers. Montecristo New York cigars are medium bodied in strength and oozing with captivating notes of chocolate, raisins, dried fruit, espresso, and spice. Adding to its stellar smoking qualities, The burn and draw are both great, and the construction is top-notch. Now that you don’t have to travel to New York to smoke some, you just can order these magnificent Monte’s right here at JR Cigar without leaving your home!