Rafael Nodal, the distinguished master blender from Altadis U.S.A. has teamed up with industry legend Nestor Plasencia to create a magnificent new premium creation called Espada by Montecristo Signature cigars. This limited-edition cigar is expertly rolled by Montecristo’s famed Grupo de Maestros in one size called Valiente, that measures 6 inches by 55 ring gauge, and is made up entirely of the finest fully aged Nicaraguan tobaccos. Produced at the famed Plasencia factory in Nicaragua, Espada by Montecristo Signature consists of a stunning blonde Colorado Claro wrapper grown in the Jalapa Valley region, that embraces binders and long filler tobaccos from Estelí. Billed as a medium bodied smoke, this artisanal masterpiece serves up complex flavors of earth, wood, leather, and coffee, accented by plenty of savory Nicaraguan tobacco spice. Order a box of 10 from JR Cigars while supplies last, and let us fill your humidor with this delicious new addition to Montecristo’s lineup of world-class handmade premium cigars.